softskill Bisnis PT.GOODYEAR INDONESIA Tbk
Produk Good Year
Performance of Goodyear’s Product
mandapatkan dukungan penuh dari pusat penelitian dan pengembangan produk yang
terletak di Jepang, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat. Dukungan inilah yang tetap
menjadikan perusahaan selalu terdepan dalam menghasilkan produk ban berkualitas
tinggi serta pelayanan yang baik bagi pelanggan. Para Professional Goodyear di
seluruh dunia secara terus menerus mengembangkan berbagai teknologi yang
unikdan telah mematenkan ban tercanggih keluaran Goodyear.
Sebagai produsen ban
pertama di dunia, Goodyear telah bekerjasama dengan berbagai perusahaan mobil
terkemuka di seluruh dunia untuk menyuplai ban Original Equipment. Hingga kini,
kerjasama itu berjalan dengan baik, Produk Goodyear memiliki berbagai
keunggulan, antara lainuntuk kinerja terbaik di lintasan basah dan juga sangat
baik di lintasan kering.
The company benefits technical support
from research and development center located in Japan, Europe, and United
states of America. This support has enabled the company to produce outstanding
tires along with providing outstanding service to customers. Goodyear’s
professionals arround the world continue to develop various unique technologies
and have patented Goodyear high –end tires lineup.
As the Prioneer of tire manufacturer,
Goodyear has cooperated with several major car factories in the world to supply
Original equipment tires. Until now, the collaboration is still in good
progress. Goodyear product has various performances, such as the best performer
in wet track as well as very competent in the dry track.
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